O2IV Wellness

Our Business Hours:

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: CLOSED

Contact Us:

22 1st Ave, The Sanctuary

Tel: 0794537466

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Our Services Include:

Click on the service name below to view itemised list

Hyperbaric Therapy
- Acute Sprain & Speed Recover Pack(R6360)
- Acute Sprain Injury 3x60min (R1800)
- Chroninc 20x 60min (R10800)
- Chroninc Intense 12x90min (R8880)
- Contracts 12months (twice p/w) (R3600)
- Contracts 24months (twice p/w) (R3300)
- Contracts 6months (twice p/w) (R3800)
- Decrease Inflammation 10x60m (R5550)
- Detoxify/General Health 1-3 p/wk (R2850)
- Neurological 40x 60min (R20400)
- Neurological Intense 30x90min(R21000)
- O2 Standard 10 Sessions (R5550)
- O2 Standard 20 Sessions (R10800)
- O2 Standard 30 Sessions (R15750)
- O2 Standard 40 Sessions (R20400)
- O2 Standard 5 Sessions (R2850)
- O2 Standard Intense 1.5 Session (R800)
- O2 Standard Intense 12x 90min (R8880)
- O2 Standard Intense 20x 90min (R14400)
- O2 Standard Intense 30x 90min (R21000)
- O2 Standard Intense 6x 90min (R4560)
- O2 Standard Single Session (R600)
- Pre & Post Surgery Deal 10x60m (R5550)
- Speed Recovery 6x90min (R4560)

- Lypolyic Injection (R1000)

IV Drip
- IV Drip - Energy Boost (R1200)
- IV Drip - Fertility Assist Female(R1500)
- IV Drip - Fertility Assist Male (R1500)
- IV Drip - Glutathione (R1300)
- IV Drip - Hangover Recovery (R1200)
- IV Drip - Hydro (R600)
- IV Drip - Jet Fuel (R1200)
- IV Drip - Long Covid (R1600)
- IV Drip - Methyline Blue
- IV Drip - Multivitamin Infusion (R900)
- IV Drip - NAD Plus Recovery (R1500)
- IV Drip - Recovery (R850)
- IV Drip - Rolls Royce (R1900)
- IV Drip - Skin Glow (R1800)
- IV Drip - Sports Infusion (R1300)
- IV Drip - Vitamin C (R850)
- IV Drip - Weight Loss Assistance (R950)

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Our Friendly Staff:

Our friendly and professional staff have all the skills you require.

IV Drip 1
IV Drip 2
Live Blood
Raadhiya Osman

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