Dr Annelize Geldenhuys

Dr Annelize Geldenhuys

Dr Annelize Geldenhuys is a medical practitioner with a keen interest in medical weight loss, anti-ageing treatments and injectables.

If you are ready to take control of your health and see positive results, book your appointment now.

Services available:

BOTOX ® / Wrinkle injections - R80/unit
The cost of Botox® depends on the number of units injected as well as the areas treated. An average area can usually be treated with approximately 20 units of Botox®. Please note that some patients may require more units in each area because of gender differences, muscle mass differences, etc. The number of units needed to achieve your desired effect will be discussed during your consultation.

Dr CYJ Hair Filler
This product stimulates hair growth and fight hair loss. It contains a particularly high concentration of hyaluronic acid and peptides, which can help weak and fine hair grow faster. A marked improvement in hair strength and volume can be expected. For optimal reaults at least 4 sessions are recommended. A session can be scheduled every 2 weeks.

Dr CYJ Hair Filler Package
This includes your initial consultation, 4 sessions of DrCYJ Hair Filler in one treatment area PLUS one maintenance session - Total: 5 sessions.

Chemical Peels
Just as the name implies, peels work by removing layers of skin cell build-up to reveal a softer, smoother complexion. Chemical peels can be used to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve the appearance of acne-prone skin, improve the appearance of mild scars, dark spots and improve overall skin tone and texture. NEOSTRATA® superficial in-office peels, offer a deeper level exfoliation than at-home peels and both work hand-in-hand to deliver a comprehensive skincare program. The most appropriate type and strength of treatment will be recommended after consultation and skin analysis.

IV Vitamin Therapy
Contact us via email for more information or watch this space.

Medical Weight Loss
First Consultation
Book this appointment for your initial medical weight loss consultation.
This consultation includes an Inbody120-body composition analysis, discussion of results, nutritional assessment, counselling and/or treatment. Duration 60 min.
*Note - Costing structure will change should this consultation form part of a weight loss monthly package.

Follow-up Consultation
A follow-up consultation can only be booked after you have attended an initial consultation. Please schedule this appointment two weeks after your initial consultation.
This follow-up consultation includes an InBody120-body composition analysis, discussion of results, follow-up nutritional assessment, follow-up counselling and/or treatment. Duration 30 min.
*Note - Costing structure will change should this consultation form part of a weight loss monthly package.

Inbody 120 Assessment
Monitoring your weight alone is not enough. Book this appointment for your accurate body composition analysis and find out how much muscle, fat and water your body contains. This analysis aids in formulation of a diet and/or fitness plan to fit your specific needs.

Slender Wonder: First Month (Package)
This includes:
*First consultation (60min) and follow-up consultation (15min) after 2 weeks.
*SW Patient Information Booklet
*SW Shake (900g)
*SW Supplements for use during the first month of your program.
*SW Injection Pen
*SW injection vial(s) and booster(s)

Slender Wonder: From Second Month (Package)
*Follow-up consultations (2 x 30min) - scheduled 2 weeks apart.
*SW Shake (900g)
*SW Supplements for use during a month of your SW program – weight loss phase.
*SW injection vial(s) and booster(s) (if applicable)

Slender Wonder – Stabilisation Month (Package)
*Follow-up consultation (30min)
*SW Shake (900g)
*SW Supplements for use during a month of your SW program – stabilisation phase.
*SW Stabilisation booster injection included.

Our Business Hours:

Tuesday: 07:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 07:30 - 17:30
Saturday: By Request only
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday: CLOSED

Contact Us:

Brooklyn Medpark
Cnr. Jan Shoba and Olivier Street
Gauteng, 0181

Tel: 083 696 0007

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Our Services Include:

Click on the service name below to view itemised list

Chemical Peels
- Neostrata - Brightening Peel (R700)
- Neostrata - Clarifying Peel (R700)
- Neostrata - Rejuvenating Peel (R700)
- Neostrata - Retinol Peel (R850)

- Botox - R80 per Unit
- Dr CYJ Hair - Hair Filler Packag (R7200)
- Dr CYJ Hair - Hair Filler Session(R1800)
- Juvederm - Filler 0.55ml (R2600)
- Juvederm - Filler 1ml (R4400)

IV Vitamin Therapy
- IV Vitamin Therapy-includes consultation

Medical Weight Loss
- Inbody120 Assessment (R450)
- Slender Wonder - 1st Month (R4750)
- Slender Wonder - From 2nd Month (R3650)
- Slender Wonder - Stabilisation (R3100)
- Weight Loss Follow Up (Part of package)
- Weight Loss Follow Up (R650)
- Weight Loss Follow Up - Online (R600)
- Weight Loss Initial Consult (R900)

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Our Friendly Staff:

Our friendly and professional staff have all the skills you require.

Dr Annelize Geldenhuys

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