Eden Day Spa
Our Story…
At Eden Day Spa we believe that the best journey in life is the journey back to yourself. Take a well-deserved break from the stresses of your busy day to make yourself a priority by focusing only on yourself.
With a full range of professional, relaxing yet result driven treatments, Eden Day Spa is the ultimate rejuvenating and relaxing beauty salon experience for you.
Our Business Hours:
Monday- Friday: 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:30
Sunday: CLOSED

Our Services Include:
Click on the service name below to view itemised list

- Carbon Peel - Large Area (R650)
- Carbon Peel - Small Area (R350)
- Full Body Exfoliation (R700)
- Half Body Exfoliation (R350)
- Carbon Peel - Small Area (R350)
- Full Body Exfoliation (R700)
- Half Body Exfoliation (R350)

- 4 Week treatment package- Chronos(R3500)
- Week1- Mandelic 40per Acid Peel (R780)
- Week2- Chronos Experience (R980)
- Week3- Chronos Experience &Micro (R1200)
- Week4- Chronos Experience (R980)
- Week1- Mandelic 40per Acid Peel (R780)
- Week2- Chronos Experience (R980)
- Week3- Chronos Experience &Micro (R1200)
- Week4- Chronos Experience (R980)

- Classic Facial Therapy with Derma (R590)
- Express Derma-planning (R480)
- Hydra Facial Therapy with Derma (R680)
- Lifting Facial Therapy with Derma (R720)
- Express Derma-planning (R480)
- Hydra Facial Therapy with Derma (R680)
- Lifting Facial Therapy with Derma (R720)

- Derma-planning with Microneedling (R960)
- J.A. - Classic Facial Therapy (R480)
- J.A. - Deep Cleanse Facial Therapy(R550)
- J.A. - Hydra Facial Therapy (R550)
- J.A. - Lifting Facial Therapy (R580)
- J.A. - Classic Facial Therapy (R480)
- J.A. - Deep Cleanse Facial Therapy(R550)
- J.A. - Hydra Facial Therapy (R550)
- J.A. - Lifting Facial Therapy (R580)

- RegimA - Acne Treatment Facial (R600)
- RegimA - Deep Cleanse Facial (R450)
- RegimA - Derma-Planning Facial (R650)
- RegimA - Hydrating Facial (R500)
- RegimA - Micro-needling Facial (R920)
- RegimaA - Rejuvenating Facial (R550)
- RegimA - Deep Cleanse Facial (R450)
- RegimA - Derma-Planning Facial (R650)
- RegimA - Hydrating Facial (R500)
- RegimA - Micro-needling Facial (R920)
- RegimaA - Rejuvenating Facial (R550)

- Pedi Removal (R100)
- Aroma Gel Pedi (R350)
- Aroma Pedi with Polish (R250)
- Classic Gel Pedi (R300)
- Classic Pedi (R200)
- Classic Pedi with Polish (R200)
- Mens Pedi (R200)
- Pedi - Paraffin Dip (R100)
- Pedi Peel (R150)
- Aroma Gel Pedi (R350)
- Aroma Pedi with Polish (R250)
- Classic Gel Pedi (R300)
- Classic Pedi (R200)
- Classic Pedi with Polish (R200)
- Mens Pedi (R200)
- Pedi - Paraffin Dip (R100)
- Pedi Peel (R150)

- T/L - 3/4 Leg (R1465)
- T/L -Areola (Nipples) (R150)
- T/L -Bikini & Full Leg (R1824)
- T/L -Brazilian & Half Leg (R1594)
- T/L - Bikini/Speedo (Sides) (R495)
- T/L - Brazilian & Full Leg (R1955)
- T/L - Buttocks (R555)
- T/L - Cheeks (R230)
- T/L - Chest & Stomach & Back (R2346)
- T/L - Chest (Incl. Areola) (R710)
- T/L - Chin (R210)
- T/L - Ears (R210)
- T/L - Full Beard & Stomach & Back(R2253)
- T/L - Full Beard (Incl. Neck) (R600)
- T/L - Half Arm (Incl. Elbow) (R620)
- T/L - Hands&Feet (Fingers & Toes)(R210)
- T/L - Sideburns (R210)
- T/L - Tummy Line (R220)
- T/L - Underarm & Bikini (R693)
- T/L - Underarm&Brazilian&Full Leg(R2227)
- T/L -Bikini & Half Leg (R1462)
- T/L -Brazilian (Sides&Extended) (R650)
- T/L -Chest & Stomach (R1207)
- T/L -Eyebrows (R150)
- T/L -Fingers & Toes (Only) (R1300)
- T/L -Forehead (R230)
- T/L -Full Arm (R950)
- T/L -Full Back (R1340)
- T/L -Full Face (R830)
- T/L -Full Leg (R1650)
- T/L -Half Arm (Excl. Elbow) (R550)
- T/L -Half Leg (R1225)
- T/L -Hollywood & Full Leg (R2125)
- T/L -Hollywood & Half Leg (R1764)
- T/L -Hollywood (all off) (R850)
- T/L -Neck (Front or Back) (R255)
- T/L -Nose (Incl. Nasal Hairs) (R210)
- T/L -Tummy (R710)
- T/L -Underarm & Brazilian (R825)
- T/L -Underarm & Full Arm (R1080)
- T/L -Underarm & Full Leg (R1675)
- T/L -Underarm & Half Leg (R1314)
- T/L -Underarm & Hollywood (R995)
- T/L -Underarm Bikini & Full Leg(R2096)
- T/L -Underarm Bikini Half Leg (R1734)
- T/L -Underarm Hollywood & Full Leg R2397
- T/L -Underarm Hollywood&Half Leg(R2036)
- T/L -Underarms (R320)
- T/L -Unibrow/Monobrow (R170)
- T/L -Upper Lip & Chin (R357)
- T/L -Upper Lip & Underarm (R450)
- T/L -Upper Lip Underarm & Bikini (R872)
- T/L Underarm Brazilian & Half Leg(R1866)
- T/L Upper Lip Underarm &Brazilian R1003)
- T/L Upper Lip Underarm& Hollywood(R1173)
- T/L Upper Lip/ Lower Lip (R210)
- T/L- Full Beard & Chest & Stomach(R1717)
- T/L-Full Beard & Chest &Full Back(R2253)
- T/L -Areola (Nipples) (R150)
- T/L -Bikini & Full Leg (R1824)
- T/L -Brazilian & Half Leg (R1594)
- T/L - Bikini/Speedo (Sides) (R495)
- T/L - Brazilian & Full Leg (R1955)
- T/L - Buttocks (R555)
- T/L - Cheeks (R230)
- T/L - Chest & Stomach & Back (R2346)
- T/L - Chest (Incl. Areola) (R710)
- T/L - Chin (R210)
- T/L - Ears (R210)
- T/L - Full Beard & Stomach & Back(R2253)
- T/L - Full Beard (Incl. Neck) (R600)
- T/L - Half Arm (Incl. Elbow) (R620)
- T/L - Hands&Feet (Fingers & Toes)(R210)
- T/L - Sideburns (R210)
- T/L - Tummy Line (R220)
- T/L - Underarm & Bikini (R693)
- T/L - Underarm&Brazilian&Full Leg(R2227)
- T/L -Bikini & Half Leg (R1462)
- T/L -Brazilian (Sides&Extended) (R650)
- T/L -Chest & Stomach (R1207)
- T/L -Eyebrows (R150)
- T/L -Fingers & Toes (Only) (R1300)
- T/L -Forehead (R230)
- T/L -Full Arm (R950)
- T/L -Full Back (R1340)
- T/L -Full Face (R830)
- T/L -Full Leg (R1650)
- T/L -Half Arm (Excl. Elbow) (R550)
- T/L -Half Leg (R1225)
- T/L -Hollywood & Full Leg (R2125)
- T/L -Hollywood & Half Leg (R1764)
- T/L -Hollywood (all off) (R850)
- T/L -Neck (Front or Back) (R255)
- T/L -Nose (Incl. Nasal Hairs) (R210)
- T/L -Tummy (R710)
- T/L -Underarm & Brazilian (R825)
- T/L -Underarm & Full Arm (R1080)
- T/L -Underarm & Full Leg (R1675)
- T/L -Underarm & Half Leg (R1314)
- T/L -Underarm & Hollywood (R995)
- T/L -Underarm Bikini & Full Leg(R2096)
- T/L -Underarm Bikini Half Leg (R1734)
- T/L -Underarm Hollywood & Full Leg R2397
- T/L -Underarm Hollywood&Half Leg(R2036)
- T/L -Underarms (R320)
- T/L -Unibrow/Monobrow (R170)
- T/L -Upper Lip & Chin (R357)
- T/L -Upper Lip & Underarm (R450)
- T/L -Upper Lip Underarm & Bikini (R872)
- T/L Underarm Brazilian & Half Leg(R1866)
- T/L Upper Lip Underarm &Brazilian R1003)
- T/L Upper Lip Underarm& Hollywood(R1173)
- T/L Upper Lip/ Lower Lip (R210)
- T/L- Full Beard & Chest & Stomach(R1717)
- T/L-Full Beard & Chest &Full Back(R2253)

- L/L - 3/4 Leg (R1550)
- L/L - Areola (Nipples) (R170)
- L/L - Forehead (R270)
- L/L -Bikini & Full Leg (R1955)
- L/L -Bikini & Half Leg (R1885)
- L/L -Bikini/Speedo (Sides) (R550)
- L/L -Brazilian & Full Leg (R1955)
- L/L -Brazilian & Full Leg (R2091)
- L/L -Brazilian & Half Leg (R1751)
- L/L -Brazilian (Sides & Extended) (R710)
- L/L -Buttocks (R600)
- L/L -Cheeks (R270)
- L/L -Chest & Stomach & Full Back (R2589)
- L/L -Chest & Stomach (R1275)
- L/L -Chin (R250)
- L/L -Ears (R250)
- L/L -Eyebrows (R150)
- L/L -Fingers & Toes (Only) (R150)
- L/L -Full Arm (R1150)
- L/L -Full Back (R1545)
- L/L -Full Beard (Incl. Neck) (R650)
- L/L -Full Face (R850)
- L/L -Full Leg (R1750)
- L/L -Half Arm (Excl. Elbow) (R660)
- L/L -Half Arm (Incl. Elbow) (R710)
- L/L -Half Leg (R1350)
- L/L -Hands&Feet(Incl.Fingers&Toes)(R250)
- L/L -Hollywood & Full Leg (R2261)
- L/L -Hollywood & Half Leg (R1921)
- L/L -Hollywood (all off) (R910)
- L/L -Neck (Back or Front) (R300)
- L/L -Nose (Incl. Nasal Hairs) (R250)
- L/L -Side Burns (R250)
- L/L -Tummy (R750)
- L/L -Tummy Line (R250)
- L/L -Underarm & Bikini & Full Leg(R2278)
- L/L -Underarm & Bikini & Half Leg(R1938)
- L/L -Underarm & Brazilian (R927)
- L/L -Underarm & Full Leg (R1811)
- L/L -Underarm & Half Leg (R1471)
- L/L -Underarm & Hollywood (R1097)
- L/L -Underarm &Brazilian&Full Leg(R2414)
- L/L -Underarm &Brazilian&Half Leg(R2074)
- L/L -Underarms (R380)
- L/L -Unibrow/Monobrow (R170)
- L/L -Upper Lip & Chin (R425)
- L/L -Upper Lip & Underarm (R536)
- L/L -Upper Lip &Underarm &Bikini (R1003)
- L/L -Upper Lip&Underarm&Brazilian(R1139)
- L/L -Upper Lip&Underarm&Hollywood(R1309)
- L/L -Upper Lip/ Lower Lip (R250)
- L/L- Underarm & Bikini (R791)
- L/L- Underarm & Full Arm (R1301)
- L/L- Underarm &Hollywood&Full Leg(R2584)
- L/L- Underarm&Hollywood&Half Leg (R2244)
- L/L - Areola (Nipples) (R170)
- L/L - Forehead (R270)
- L/L -Bikini & Full Leg (R1955)
- L/L -Bikini & Half Leg (R1885)
- L/L -Bikini/Speedo (Sides) (R550)
- L/L -Brazilian & Full Leg (R1955)
- L/L -Brazilian & Full Leg (R2091)
- L/L -Brazilian & Half Leg (R1751)
- L/L -Brazilian (Sides & Extended) (R710)
- L/L -Buttocks (R600)
- L/L -Cheeks (R270)
- L/L -Chest & Stomach & Full Back (R2589)
- L/L -Chest & Stomach (R1275)
- L/L -Chin (R250)
- L/L -Ears (R250)
- L/L -Eyebrows (R150)
- L/L -Fingers & Toes (Only) (R150)
- L/L -Full Arm (R1150)
- L/L -Full Back (R1545)
- L/L -Full Beard (Incl. Neck) (R650)
- L/L -Full Face (R850)
- L/L -Full Leg (R1750)
- L/L -Half Arm (Excl. Elbow) (R660)
- L/L -Half Arm (Incl. Elbow) (R710)
- L/L -Half Leg (R1350)
- L/L -Hands&Feet(Incl.Fingers&Toes)(R250)
- L/L -Hollywood & Full Leg (R2261)
- L/L -Hollywood & Half Leg (R1921)
- L/L -Hollywood (all off) (R910)
- L/L -Neck (Back or Front) (R300)
- L/L -Nose (Incl. Nasal Hairs) (R250)
- L/L -Side Burns (R250)
- L/L -Tummy (R750)
- L/L -Tummy Line (R250)
- L/L -Underarm & Bikini & Full Leg(R2278)
- L/L -Underarm & Bikini & Half Leg(R1938)
- L/L -Underarm & Brazilian (R927)
- L/L -Underarm & Full Leg (R1811)
- L/L -Underarm & Half Leg (R1471)
- L/L -Underarm & Hollywood (R1097)
- L/L -Underarm &Brazilian&Full Leg(R2414)
- L/L -Underarm &Brazilian&Half Leg(R2074)
- L/L -Underarms (R380)
- L/L -Unibrow/Monobrow (R170)
- L/L -Upper Lip & Chin (R425)
- L/L -Upper Lip & Underarm (R536)
- L/L -Upper Lip &Underarm &Bikini (R1003)
- L/L -Upper Lip&Underarm&Brazilian(R1139)
- L/L -Upper Lip&Underarm&Hollywood(R1309)
- L/L -Upper Lip/ Lower Lip (R250)
- L/L- Underarm & Bikini (R791)
- L/L- Underarm & Full Arm (R1301)
- L/L- Underarm &Hollywood&Full Leg(R2584)
- L/L- Underarm&Hollywood&Half Leg (R2244)

- L/M - Ears (R290)
- L/M - Eyebrows (R150)
- L/M - Fingers & Toes (Only) (R190)
- L/M - Forehead (R310)
- L/M - Full Arm (R1350)
- L/M - Full Back (R1750)
- L/M - Half Arm (Incl. Elbow) (R850)
- L/M - Hollywood (all off) (R1465)
- L/M - Neck (Front or Back) (R350)
- L/M - Sideburns (R290)
- L/M - Speedo (Sides) (R820)
- L/M - Tummy (R1100)
- L/M - Tummy Line (R290)
- L/M - Underarm & Full Leg (R2168)
- L/M - Underarm & Half Leg (R1785)
- L/M - Underarm&Brazilian&Full Leg(R3145)
- L/M - Underarm&Hollywood&Full Leg(R3413)
- L/M - Underarms (R450)
- L/M - Unibrow/Monobrow (R170)
- L/M - Upper Lip Underarm & Speedo(R1326)
- L/M -3/4 Leg (R1950)
- L/M -Areola (Nipples) (R200)
- L/M -Brazilian & Full Leg (R2763)
- L/M -Brazilian & Half Leg (R2380)
- L/M -Brazilian (Sides &Extended) (R1150)
- L/M -Buttocks (R740)
- L/M -Cheeks (R310)
- L/M -Chest & Stomach &Full Back(R3358)
- L/M -Chest & Stomach (R1870)
- L/M -Chest (Incl. Areola) (R1100)
- L/M -Chin (R290)
- L/M -Full Beard &Chest &Full Back(R3060)
- L/M -Full Beard (Incl. Neck) (R750)
- L/M -Full Face (R1100)
- L/M -Full Leg (R2100)
- L/M -Half Arm (Excl. Elbow) (R770)
- L/M -Half Leg (R1650)
- L/M -Hollywood & Full Leg (R3031)
- L/M -Hollywood & Half Leg (R2648)
- L/M -Nose (Incl. Nasal Hairs) (R290)
- L/M -Speedo & Full Leg (R2482)
- L/M -Speedo & Half Leg (R2100)
- L/M -Underarm & Full Arm (R1530)
- L/M -Underarm & Speedo & Full Leg(R2865)
- L/M -Underarm & Speedo & Half Leg(R2482)
- L/M -Underarm&Brazilian&Half Leg(R3763)
- L/M -Underarm&Hollywood&Half Leg(R3031)
- L/M -Upper Lip & Chin (R493)
- L/M -Upper Lip & Underarms (R629)
- L/M -Upper Lip&Underarm&Brazilian(R1607)
- L/M -Upper Lip&Underarm&Hollywood(R1875)
- L/M -Upper Lip/ Lower Lip (R290)
- L/M-Full Beard & Chest & Stomach (R2508)
- L/M-Full Beard&Stomach& Full Back(R3060)
- L/M-Hands&Feet(Incl.Fingers&Toes) (R290)
- L/M - Eyebrows (R150)
- L/M - Fingers & Toes (Only) (R190)
- L/M - Forehead (R310)
- L/M - Full Arm (R1350)
- L/M - Full Back (R1750)
- L/M - Half Arm (Incl. Elbow) (R850)
- L/M - Hollywood (all off) (R1465)
- L/M - Neck (Front or Back) (R350)
- L/M - Sideburns (R290)
- L/M - Speedo (Sides) (R820)
- L/M - Tummy (R1100)
- L/M - Tummy Line (R290)
- L/M - Underarm & Full Leg (R2168)
- L/M - Underarm & Half Leg (R1785)
- L/M - Underarm&Brazilian&Full Leg(R3145)
- L/M - Underarm&Hollywood&Full Leg(R3413)
- L/M - Underarms (R450)
- L/M - Unibrow/Monobrow (R170)
- L/M - Upper Lip Underarm & Speedo(R1326)
- L/M -3/4 Leg (R1950)
- L/M -Areola (Nipples) (R200)
- L/M -Brazilian & Full Leg (R2763)
- L/M -Brazilian & Half Leg (R2380)
- L/M -Brazilian (Sides &Extended) (R1150)
- L/M -Buttocks (R740)
- L/M -Cheeks (R310)
- L/M -Chest & Stomach &Full Back(R3358)
- L/M -Chest & Stomach (R1870)
- L/M -Chest (Incl. Areola) (R1100)
- L/M -Chin (R290)
- L/M -Full Beard &Chest &Full Back(R3060)
- L/M -Full Beard (Incl. Neck) (R750)
- L/M -Full Face (R1100)
- L/M -Full Leg (R2100)
- L/M -Half Arm (Excl. Elbow) (R770)
- L/M -Half Leg (R1650)
- L/M -Hollywood & Full Leg (R3031)
- L/M -Hollywood & Half Leg (R2648)
- L/M -Nose (Incl. Nasal Hairs) (R290)
- L/M -Speedo & Full Leg (R2482)
- L/M -Speedo & Half Leg (R2100)
- L/M -Underarm & Full Arm (R1530)
- L/M -Underarm & Speedo & Full Leg(R2865)
- L/M -Underarm & Speedo & Half Leg(R2482)
- L/M -Underarm&Brazilian&Half Leg(R3763)
- L/M -Underarm&Hollywood&Half Leg(R3031)
- L/M -Upper Lip & Chin (R493)
- L/M -Upper Lip & Underarms (R629)
- L/M -Upper Lip&Underarm&Brazilian(R1607)
- L/M -Upper Lip&Underarm&Hollywood(R1875)
- L/M -Upper Lip/ Lower Lip (R290)
- L/M-Full Beard & Chest & Stomach (R2508)
- L/M-Full Beard&Stomach& Full Back(R3060)
- L/M-Hands&Feet(Incl.Fingers&Toes) (R290)

- Bridal Make-Up (R550)
- Day Make-Up (R400)
- Evening Make-Up (R400)
- Matric Farwell Make-Up (R550)
- Trial (per trial) (R250)
- Day Make-Up (R400)
- Evening Make-Up (R400)
- Matric Farwell Make-Up (R550)
- Trial (per trial) (R250)

- Back & Neck & Shoulder Massage (R300)
- Back Massage (R270)
- Cupping Therapy (R400)
- Foot Massage (R200)
- Full Body Swedish Massage (R350)
- Full Body Swedish Massage (R550)
- Hand & Foot Massage (R250)
- Hot Stone Massage (R400)
- Indian Head Massage (R250)
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage (R400)
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage (R550)
- Reflexology Massage (R350)
- Sports Massage (R400)
- Sports Massage (R600)
- Back Massage (R270)
- Cupping Therapy (R400)
- Foot Massage (R200)
- Full Body Swedish Massage (R350)
- Full Body Swedish Massage (R550)
- Hand & Foot Massage (R250)
- Hot Stone Massage (R400)
- Indian Head Massage (R250)
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage (R400)
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage (R550)
- Reflexology Massage (R350)
- Sports Massage (R400)
- Sports Massage (R600)

- Hydra Facial&Microneedling(R860)
- Classic Facial & Microneedling(R760)
- Eden Day Facial&Microneedling(R700)
- Lifting Facial & Microneedling (R900)
- Classic Facial & Microneedling(R760)
- Eden Day Facial&Microneedling(R700)
- Lifting Facial & Microneedling (R900)

- Classic Manicure with Polish (R200)
- Gel Fill (R200)
- Gel Fill with Acrylic Dip (R250)
- Gel Overlay (R300)
- Gel Overlay with Acrylic Dip(R350)
- Mani - Paraffin Dip (R100)
- Mani Removal (R100)
- Nail Repair (per nail) (R30)
- New Set with Tips (R400)
- Gel Fill (R200)
- Gel Fill with Acrylic Dip (R250)
- Gel Overlay (R300)
- Gel Overlay with Acrylic Dip(R350)
- Mani - Paraffin Dip (R100)
- Mani Removal (R100)
- Nail Repair (per nail) (R30)
- New Set with Tips (R400)

- Ariel -Pedicure(soak &shape&paint)(R150)
- Aurora -Manicure(soak&shape&Paint)(R150)
- Belle - Back Neck&Shoulder Massage(R150)
- Cinderella - Glow Up Make-Up(R200)
- Jasmin - Facial (R200)
- Moana -Hand & Foot Massage(R100)
- Rapunzel - Head Massage (R120)
- Snow White -Full Body Massage(R240)
- Aurora -Manicure(soak&shape&Paint)(R150)
- Belle - Back Neck&Shoulder Massage(R150)
- Cinderella - Glow Up Make-Up(R200)
- Jasmin - Facial (R200)
- Moana -Hand & Foot Massage(R100)
- Rapunzel - Head Massage (R120)
- Snow White -Full Body Massage(R240)

- 12 Session Package- L Tattoo (R6000)
- 12 Session Package- M Tattoo(R4800)
- 12 Session Package- S Tattoo(R3000)
- 12 Session Package- XL Tattoo(R8640)
- 12 Session Package- XS Tattoo(R1800)
- 4 session Package- L Tattoo(R2000)
- 4 session Package- M Tattoo(R1600)
- 4 session Package- S Tattoo(R1000)
- 4 session Package- XL Tattoo(R2880)
- 4 session Package- XS Tattoo(R600)
- 6 Session Package- L Tattoo(R3000)
- 6 Session Package- M Tattoo(R2400)
- 6 Session Package- S Tattoo(R1500)
- 6 Session Package- XL Tattoo(R4320)
- 6 Session Package- XS Tattoo(R900)
- First Session- L Tattoo(R1050)
- First Session- M Tattoo(R850)
- First Session- S Tattoo(R550)
- First Session- XL Tattoo(R1500)
- First Session- XS Tattoo(R350)
- There After- XL Tattoo (per session)
- There After-L Tattoo (per session)(R530)
- There After-M Tattoo (per session)(R430)
- There After-S Tattoo (per session)(R280)
- There After-XS Tattoo(per session)(R180)
- 12 Session Package- M Tattoo(R4800)
- 12 Session Package- S Tattoo(R3000)
- 12 Session Package- XL Tattoo(R8640)
- 12 Session Package- XS Tattoo(R1800)
- 4 session Package- L Tattoo(R2000)
- 4 session Package- M Tattoo(R1600)
- 4 session Package- S Tattoo(R1000)
- 4 session Package- XL Tattoo(R2880)
- 4 session Package- XS Tattoo(R600)
- 6 Session Package- L Tattoo(R3000)
- 6 Session Package- M Tattoo(R2400)
- 6 Session Package- S Tattoo(R1500)
- 6 Session Package- XL Tattoo(R4320)
- 6 Session Package- XS Tattoo(R900)
- First Session- L Tattoo(R1050)
- First Session- M Tattoo(R850)
- First Session- S Tattoo(R550)
- First Session- XL Tattoo(R1500)
- First Session- XS Tattoo(R350)
- There After- XL Tattoo (per session)
- There After-L Tattoo (per session)(R530)
- There After-M Tattoo (per session)(R430)
- There After-S Tattoo (per session)(R280)
- There After-XS Tattoo(per session)(R180)

- Teens - Bikini (R100)
- Teens - Brazilian (R170)
- Teens - Brows (R100)
- Teens - Chin (R70)
- Teens - Full Arms (R140)
- Teens - Full Legs (R200)
- Teens - Half Arms (R100)
- Teens - Half Legs (R140)
- Teens - Lip (R70)
- Teens - Three Quater Legs (R160)
- Teens - Tummy Line (R50)
- Teens - Underarms (R100)
- Teens - Brazilian (R170)
- Teens - Brows (R100)
- Teens - Chin (R70)
- Teens - Full Arms (R140)
- Teens - Full Legs (R200)
- Teens - Half Arms (R100)
- Teens - Half Legs (R140)
- Teens - Lip (R70)
- Teens - Three Quater Legs (R160)
- Teens - Tummy Line (R50)
- Teens - Underarms (R100)

- Woman - Bikini (R120)
- Woman - Brazilian (R190)
- Woman - Brows (R100)
- Woman - Chin (R70)
- Woman - Full Arms (R160)
- Woman - Full Legs (R230)
- Woman - Half Arms (R120)
- Woman - Lip (R70)
- Woman - Three Quater Legs (R180)
- Woman - Tummy Line (R70)
- Woman - Underarms (R100)
- Womans - Half Legs (R160)
- Woman - Brazilian (R190)
- Woman - Brows (R100)
- Woman - Chin (R70)
- Woman - Full Arms (R160)
- Woman - Full Legs (R230)
- Woman - Half Arms (R120)
- Woman - Lip (R70)
- Woman - Three Quater Legs (R180)
- Woman - Tummy Line (R70)
- Woman - Underarms (R100)
- Womans - Half Legs (R160)

- Men - Back (R290)
- Men - Back, Chest & Stomach (R620)
- Men - Brows (R120)
- Men - Chest (R290)
- Men - Full Arms (R200)
- Men - Full Legs (R260)
- Men - Half Arms (R160)
- Men - Stomach (R240)
- Men - Unibrow (R70)
- Men- Beard Therapy - Cutthroat (R230)
- Men - Back, Chest & Stomach (R620)
- Men - Brows (R120)
- Men - Chest (R290)
- Men - Full Arms (R200)
- Men - Full Legs (R260)
- Men - Half Arms (R160)
- Men - Stomach (R240)
- Men - Unibrow (R70)
- Men- Beard Therapy - Cutthroat (R230)
Our Friendly Staff:
Our friendly and professional staff have all the skills you require.
Daniela |